
Volunteer talents are utilized in a variety of ways:
Instructors/Tutors & substitute instructors teach during established sessions.
Board members
Community advocates share JCLC information at community events
Short -term Goal Guides - assisted individuals in earning a specific credential or strengthening a specific skill (using email, creating a resume).
Special Project Volunteers- help with projects that help JCLC operate efficiently and use our resources effectively.
​Volunteer tutors are the heart of JCLC. JCLC matches learners and volunteers keeping the needs of both learners and volunteers in mind. JCLC offers open enrollment in classes and tutor/learner pairs in established locations across Jefferson County. All JCLC services are offered at no cost to participants. With a small, part-time staff and instructors, JCLC serves residents in all five cities and six villages in Jefferson county. ​