
English as a Second Language, ESL
The Jefferson County Literacy Council offers English classes or tutors at a variety of locations and schedules. JCLC offers opportunities to learn in Watertown, Jefferson, Johnson Creek, Waterloo, and Fort Atkinson. Small classes and private tutors help students achieve their personal goals.
View our schedule. For information about other locations, call (920)675-0500 or text in your preferred language (608)466-2124.
Welcome to the world of preparing for the US citizenship test! Studying the questions and strengthening general reading, writing and speaking keeps tutors and students focused. Our volunteer tutors have been guiding candidates through the process of becoming US citizens since 2010.


Adult Basic Education and GED/HSED preparation
JCLC offers learning opportunities for adults wanting to strengthen their skills or earn a GED/HSED. JCLC offers:
Individualized tutoring
Access to Study Buddies & software
Help creating the MyGED account and accessing MyGED resources.
No fees for books or tests
Visit our office to register and learn more. Call us to set up an appointment at (920) 675-0500 or text in your preferred language to (608) 466-2124.
In partnership with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, JCLC provides voluntary educational programming inside the Jefferson County Jail. Instruction is designed to improve basic academic skills in reading, English and math so individuals are better prepared for college and careers.
GED preparation is provided by JCLC instructors and a Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department staff member administers the official GED exams inside the jail.
Employability skills, resume writing, and interviewing skills are emphasized. Individuals learn about various jobs using career library materials acquired through a partnership with the Bridges Library System of Waukesha and Jefferson Counties. Classroom computers allow access to electronic resources via a RACHEL secured network and serve to improve digital literacy skills.
Class discussions promote healthy foundational skill building for life and work. JCLC instructors make students aware of community resources in Jefferson County.

Correctional Education
"I never thought I would or could actually complete my GED until I started to study. That’s when I realized I could actually complete the GED test. This program has made me realize that there is more to life than the things I was doing in my past. It has giving me the confidence I needed to be successful.”